Allison Clark, Women's Volleyball

Allison Clark, Women's Volleyball

Why did you choose MCLA?

I wanted to experience something I have never experienced before surrounding myself with a change in climate, social life, and living style. Coach randomly found me and called me up and was very persistent. I just always had a good gut feeling like I needed to go, I came and visited, took a leap and decided it was the right choice for me. 

Why Divsion III?

I watched both my sister go to Division 1 schools for volleyball and I knew I did not want to go to the lengths of a full time job of commitment and grueling sacrifice with their bodies, minds, and instead I wanted to have a well rounded school experience where I could still play the sport I loved while doing many other activities. It just so happened I ended up at a school that could give me all of that. I always wanted to play Division 1 but I am so glad I chose to pursue only division 2 and 3. 

 I would tell a prospective student athlete that Division 3 and MCLA as a whole community can give you life lessons and resources you could not find anywhere else. The uniqueness of this campus and the athletic program will help you flourish into the athlete and person you have always wanted to become.