Jesse Moore, Men's Soccer

Jesse Moore, Men's Soccer

Why did you choose MCLA?

I chose MCLA because of its location and size. The Berkshires is a beautiful place with much to see. The scenery just as you walk around the campus or are up at the soccer complex is unimaginable. The size of the school had a role in myself choosing MCLA. I enjoy the small school atmosphere, but it is still big enough where I have met new people each of my years here that I never even knew went to MCLA. 

Why Divsion III?

Division III for me was the place I belonged. I was offered a place on a couple different teams among the division and chose MCLA based on its qualities I described above. The play of sports in Division III is just as competitive as anywhere else and everyone you play with or against is here to win.

What would you tell a prospective student athlete?

I would tell a prospective student athlete that being part of a sports team will be help ease your way from home life to college life. Your team with be like a family to each other and help you to integrate quickly into the college life. It will be your core friend group that will help you with anything they can. But at the same time, they will teach you how to become a better player and sometimes that means pushing you in practices or games.