President’s Athletics Advisory Council

Purpose: Advises the President and Vice President of Student Affairs (VPSA) on major decisions impacting Athletics. This committee is appointed by the President based on recommendations from the VPSA and the Director of Athletics.
Role of PAAC:
- Promotes an understanding of intercollegiate athletics among all members of the MCLA community. In its advisory capacity, the PAAC seeks to bring the view of the greater MCLA community to new program and planning decisions concerning athletics.
- Fosters a clear commitment to academic integrity within the athletic program.
- Provides counsel to the Faculty Athletics Representative (FAR).
- Provides a communication link between athletics and faculty and the broader MCLA community.
- Aims to balance development of the athletic program concerning:
- Academic performance criteria for athletes
- Recruitment of qualified athletic applicants and team members from within the College
- Number and complement of sports
- Scheduling of games
- Other related intercollegiate athletic issues
- Considers data on enrollment, graduation rates, admission and retention data, financial aid and related information for the College makes recommendations as appropriate to ensure MCLA is consistent with other NCAA DIII institutions.
- Participates as appropriate in search processes for head coaches and other selected positions to cultivate a qualified and diverse pool of applicants. Selected members may serve on interview committees for head coaches and other full time athletic administrative positions.
- Coordinates with other campus departments to support exit interview needs.
- Provides an annual report to the College President on request.
PAAC Composition: The PAAC is chaired by the Director of Athletics and/or their designee and is comprised of members as follows:
- At least three representatives with gender and sex balance appointed by the President for three year terms
- At least two student representative with gender and sex balance chosen annually by the President
- At least one student representative chosen by the Student Government Association.
- Meetings: The PAAC will meet once or twice per semester during the academic year or as needed to carry out its role.
Assistant Dean of Athletics & Recreation - Laura Mooney
Secretary: Administrative Assistant - Diane Perry
Vice President of Student Affairs - Jeannette Smith
Associate Director of Athletics for Administration and Compliance/SWA - Dot Houston
Vice President for Academic Affairs – Richard Glejzer
Vice President for Administration and Finance - Joseph DaSilva
Chief Advancement Officer - Bob Ziomek
Dean of Enrollment -
Interim Director of Facilities - Bob Fortini
Ann Billetz - Faculty Athletics Representative (can chair in AD absence)Samantha Pettey - Politcal Science
Anthony Daly – History